martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

The Pleistocene Epoch

The Pleistocene is the epoch between 1.8million years and 10,000 years ago. The Pleistocene is divided into the Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene. This epoch is largely described as the glaciations epoch, which means the start of glacier growth and establishment. These glaciers came to occupy 30% of the world’s territory, which means, that it was formed from the center of the earth up to northern United States and China, also all of Spain. 

There were mayor events in this epoch, all regarding to the glaciers. These events are divided by intervening events. The mayor events are general glacial excursion, or glacial. This four mayor events took place in the Alps, North Europe, British Islands and Midwest of United States. 

Scientific evidence shows that humans were present and evolving during this time. The Paranthropus were still present when our ancient ancestors came, but during the lower Paleolithic age, they disappeared. During the most of the Pleistocene the only fossil records of hominid species is the Homo erectus. This hominid species were said to migrate from Africa and start to make more elaborate tools than those of the previous eras. 

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